Welcome to Paythepoolman Help Page! 

Here are some steps and videos to walk you through our new Income Items Page! Or if you'd like to watch a video tutorial, click here.

The Income Item page can be located under the More tab on the orange menu bar. 

To add an income item- click on the blue + sign on the right hand side of the screen.

That will open a pop up where you can enter all the information for that new income item. Once you've entered the item, you can use the search bar to make sure the item was input correctly. 

To edit an income item- Click on the pen and pad icon in the action column on the right. Make edits and adjustments as needed. Once you've edited the item, it will show the timestamp in the "Last Updated" column. 

To delete an income item- click on the red trashcan icon under the action column on the right. 

A pop-up will appear to confirm you want to delete the item.

And that's it! Have a nice day! 

If you need any further assistance, please contact our Support Team at (951) 234 5166 or email us at support@paythepoolman.com