Welcome to Paythepoolman Help Page! This guide is to walk you through how to add customers to per week billing.
The first way you can add customers to per week billing is when adding a new customer into the system. When filling out the customer information- once you get to the billing section, you will simply toggle on the per week billing as seen below.
The second option- if you're editing a customer already in the system- is as follows:
1. You want to make sure that in your Company Settings page you have the per week billing option toggled on.

2. Navigate to the Customer Dashboard and select the Auto-Billing tab
3. Click the yellow 'Edit' button
4. Toggle on the 'Per Week' option
5. Make the necessary edits to the billing such as price.
6. Click save changes and you're all done!
If you have any further questions or need assistance, please reach out to our awesome Support Team at (951) 234 5166 or email us at support@paythepoolman.com
Thank you and have a wonderful day!