Welcome to Paythepoolman Help Page! 

Are credit card fees cutting into your profits? Well, no more! 

Paythepoolman offers the option to enable convenience fees that allows you to recover some of those fees by placing them back onto the customer. 

You're able to do this by applying a percentage rate or a flat rate. 

Here are the steps to do so (if you'd like to watch a video tutorial, click here):

1. Navigate to your Settings page

2. Scroll all the way down

3. Turn convenience fees ON

4. Apply amount and select fee type (percentage or flat rate) 

5. Hit update and you're all set! 

If you have any further questions or issues please reach out to our Support Team at (951) 234 5166 or email us at support@paythepoolman.com

Have a nice day and thank you for your business!