Do you need to delete a customer invoice?

The process is simple but different depending on if the invoice is PAID or UNPAID. 

We will walk through the steps for both, starting with UNPAID.

1. Look up the customer, navigate to the Invoices and Payments tab. 

2. Select the desired UNPAID invoice

3. Click "delete invoice" 

4. Confirm you want to delete it. You should see a green pop up letting you know the deletion was successful. 

You can also verify under the notes section that is was deleted. 

To delete a PAID invoice, you must first delete the payment that has been applied to it. The system will not allow you to delete it if it has a payment applied to it. 

1. Select the payment, then hit delete and confirm "yes". 

2. Once the payment has been to deleted, the invoice will be updated to UNPAID status. It can now be deleted. 

After it has been deleted, you can confirm the steps that were made by looking at the Notes tab.