When you open your Paythepoolman account, you will click on the "settings" action button on the main menu bar. 

This is where you will enter all your company information such as:

- Company Name

- Company Address

- Company Phone/Contact information

- Ect.. 

You can also enable billing preferences at the top of the page such as:

- Primary and secondary billing

- Billing per week

- Billing per stop

- Billing for chems

This is also where you will set create/link your Stripe account as seen at the bottom of the page. 

**It is important to note that you cannot continue on in the program until you have COMPLETED the company settings page information**

If you have any further questions or issues please reach out to our Support Team at (951) 234 5166 or email us at support@paythepoolman.com

Have a nice day!