Do you have documents that you would to store directly in the program? Maybe specific documents pertaining to specific customers? Paythepoolman has you covered with our File Cabinet feature!
File Cabinet allows you to store important documents that you need to run your business.
There is a main File Cabinet which is located under the 'More' tab on the orange menu bar and there is a File Cabinet tab on every Customer Dashboard.
The main File Cabinet is where you can store any documents pertaining to your business that aren't necessarily related to a specific customer.
The types of files that can be uploaded are PDF, JGP, PNG, DOC, XSL.
In File Cabinet, you can upload, download, email or delete files.
The File Cabinet on the Customer Dashboard allows you to store documents directly related to that customer, it also has an added feature of storing deleted invoices.
If you have any further questions or issues please reach out to our Support Team at (951) 234 5166 or email us at
Have a nice day!