Welcome to your Plus dashboard!
Your Plus dashboard has a lot of information to offer. In this help page we will focus on the Alerts column located on the far left hand side of the screen of your dashboard.
Your Alerts section contains all the repair requests, notes, and extras requested from your employees out in the field.
In this column you are able to do the following:
Right off the bat it will show you how many of each alerts you have.
- For Repair Requests, you are able to route it, view it in more detail, or dismiss it.
- For Notes, you are able to add extras, or dismiss it.
- For Extras, you can approve them for billing, edit them or dismiss them
And that is your alerts column!

If you have any further questions or need assistance, please contact our Customer Support team at (951) 234 5166 or email us at support@paythepoolman.com
Have a nice day!