Welcome to our new and improved employee feed! It has so many new cool features to offer that provide extra efficiency and functionality. 

Here are some of our updates:

- You can now sort between service, repair and unable to service. Or you can view all. 

- You can click on all the tabs seen on the service (green means there's data to be seen. Gray means there's no additional info) 

- Types of service are color coded - Blue = service, yellow = repair, red = unable to service

- If you click on the pool type and you have serviceables, it will let you show the tag for that serviceable.

- You can also view water readings, chemicals, and notes all with just one click

- You can also view exact location by clicking on the location tab

We hope you enjoy our new look! We always strive to provide the best for our companies. 

If you have any further questions or require assistance, please reach out to our Support Team at (951) 234 5166 or email us at support@paythepoolman.com

Have a nice day!